Thursday, March 10, 2011


My new love.

After finally being able to purchase my own sewing machine I have discovered a new passion for sewing. A new and exciting avenue of creating. Folds of fabric eye candy, layers of cozy under your finger tips, the giddy "I made that!" feel after completion of a project. So many projects in my mind to do that likely won't all get done!

Cloth diapers. I recently found an easy and CHEAP way to make fitted diapers out of old t-shirts and flannel. I'm still working on my pattern, tweaking here and there for a better fit and look. So far Isaac is sportin' on his bum a Phillies diaper and a Dwelling Places diaper(Tributes to the days of Thome as a Philly and his daddy's framer days). Okay so those were just t-shirts that were old and about to be tossed. The next few to be made will have a flannel exterior to give a more finished look. My hope is to make enough to have these be my go to diapers now instead of Prefolds. Prefolds are getting extremely challenging because of the screaming fits that ensue during changes. I don't have the strength to hold that child down, nor the ability to distract. A fitted diaper is more like a disposable in that it goes on the same way except it has hook and loop (velcro) as the fastener. It still requires a diaper cover.

Rag Quilts. I finally finished Isaac's baby quilt. Yeah, yeah.. I started it when he was three months old and now he's about to be one and a half.. My excuse? I was busy and hand sewing was a bit much for me. Oh well, it's done now and it's purty. Tiny, but purty. Maybe someday I'll get around to making him one that will grow with him.

Those are my FINISHED projects. I have a ton in my mind and a few being worked on now. When my camera is up and running (I think I need batteries..) I will take some pictures and post them for the inquiring eyes to see.

Now, Isaac is down for a nap.. it's a rainy day... lunch is done... time to sew.